Google searches are the beginning of the customer journey for many queries, meaning that your organization’s ability to rank for relevant search terms is an essential part of a user’s experience with your brand. Understanding what types of queries your customers are searching and how those queries can be used to drive conversions is key to creating a winning PPC strategy. A user search query provides insight into the type of information users are looking for when they come to your website or another site. Understanding what users want from their experience with your brand can help you tailor content and marketing materials more effectively. It also helps you understand which keywords they are using to find information about your business, products, services, and so on.

Types of User Searches

There are many different types of user searches. Your customers may be looking for information, solutions, reviews, videos, images, and many other types of information related to your business. Knowing the types of search terms your customers are using can help you tailor your content to better match what your customers want. – Information Searches – Information searches are common, and users typically use short, straightforward queries to find quick and easy information. For example, if you run a café, users searching for “hours” or “address” are likely just looking for your hours of operation and address.

Transactional Searches – Transactional searches occur when a user is ready to take action and buy a product or service. For example, if you’re a clothing store, users searching for “women’s winter coats” are likely shopping for the right coat and ready to buy.

Navigational Searches – Navigational searches are often used when people have an established brand in mind and are looking for a specific piece of information related to that brand. For example, if you run a bakery and you’re known for your chocolate cakes, users searching for “chocolate cake recipe” are likely looking for a chocolate cake recipe.

Informational/Comparison Searches – Informational/Comparison searches are common when people are looking for in-depth information about brands, products, and services. For example, if you run a roofing company and users are searching for “roofing materials cost,” they’re likely looking for a general overview of prices for different roofing materials. – Navigational Searches – Navigational searches are often used when people have an established brand in mind and are looking for a specific piece of information related to that brand. For example, if you run a bakery and you’re known for your chocolate cakes, users searching for “chocolate cake recipe” are likely looking for a chocolate cake recipe.

Informational/Comparison Searches – Informational/Comparison searches are common when people are looking for in-depth information about brands, products, and services. For example, if you run a roofing company and users are searching for “roofing materials cost,” they’re likely looking for a general overview of prices for different roofing materials.

Keywords to drive conversion

When you understand what type of searches are driving the highest conversion rates for your business, you can better tailor your messaging and create more compelling ads. One of the best ways to do this is to identify keywords that are driving high-converting searches that are also relevant to your business. – Your customers’ most common search queries – Your customers’ most common search queries can give you an idea of where you can improve conversion rates and provide a better customer experience. – Best-performing keywords in your campaigns – Best-performing keywords in your campaigns can give you insight into how to improve other campaigns. – Keywords with high commercial intent – Keywords with high commercial intent can give you an idea of which products or services you should focus on. – In-depth keyword research – In-depth keyword research can help you identify keywords that are relevant to your business and that drive high-converting searches. – Monitoring changes in search volume – Monitoring changes in search volume can help you identify which seasonality may be affecting your business.

Help you understand user intent

When you understand the user intent behind a specific search query, you can tailor your messaging to better meet your customers’ needs. This can not only improve the customer experience, but it can also help you improve conversion rates. – High-converting queries – High-converting queries that are relevant to your business can help you understand what customer needs you’re currently meeting and which needs you’re not currently addressing. – Most common queries – Most common queries can help you identify areas where you may be missing opportunities to meet customer needs. – Annotated search terms – Annotated search terms can help you understand why users are searching for the information they’re looking for.

Build Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is an essential part of any marketing strategy. By adding your targeted keywords to your content, you can increase the number of times your brand name is mentioned on the internet. This can help you attract new customers and increase the frequency with which your existing customers are coming back to your site. – Top-performing keywords – Top-performing keywords can help you identify areas where you can increase brand awareness. – Content types – Content types can help you determine which types of content you should be including in your marketing strategy to help drive more brand awareness.

Once you’ve analyzed your top-performing keywords and the user queries that are driving the most conversions, you can begin to tailor your messaging. This can help you create more compelling content that resonates with your target audiences and draws them to your website. It can also help you create more effective PPC campaigns by targeting the keywords that are most likely to drive conversions.

Examine your top-performing keywords – Examine your top-performing keywords to understand the topics and language your customers are using to find your website.
Analyze the user queries driving conversions – Analyze the user queries driving conversions to understand the topics and language your customers are using to find your website. Identify areas where your brand is mentioned – Identify areas where your brand is mentioned to help drive more brand awareness.

Most people start their journey to purchase with a search engine, meaning that your organization’s ability to rank for relevant search terms is an essential part of a user’s experience with your brand. Understanding what types of queries your customers are searching and how those queries can be used to drive conversions is key to creating a winning PPC strategy. A user search query provides insight into the type of information users are looking for when they come to your website or another site. Understanding what users want from their experience with your brand can help you tailor content and marketing materials more effectively. It also helps you understand which keywords they are using to find information about your business, products, services, and so on. With this information, you can tailor your messaging to better resonate with your target audiences and drive more conversions.